Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Mongol Population Invasion Equation

       (Submission #1)

       When I last left off, I was in the middle of embassy talks with pretty much every empire in the game. No mas. Destruction, pillage, and chaos is now the name of the game in Mongolia. I went to war with Harun al-Rashid of Arabia, after he wouldn't help me take somebody else out. We eventually reached an agreement, but not before we both lost troops. Lots of troops. 
          The biggest war that I fought, was against Isabella and Spain. She wouldn't help me, and she was an overall pain, so she had to go. Spain's 4 cities compared to my 2 fared a problem, but I sent 80% of my troops to take out their smallest civilization. I lost 50% of those troops, and according to math, that's a lot of lost troops. I did notice that all 4 of Spain's cities were bunched up together. 
          The role of population, as I have saw, is very minimal other than the fact that the more people you have in a city, the faster you can upgrade troops or build certain things. As far as I have seen, my population hasn't decreased, but I can guess that it can rise faster with more food coming into the city and the happiness level rising.
(Screenshot wouldn't work, so shoddy iPhone pics will have to suffice.)

          My population, or what's left of it, is settled on the river/ocean area. The more my city grows, the more land I have to work with. Hopefully, eventually, both of my civilizations will converge and make one super power on the water. When I was battling Spain, I noticed, as mentioned above, that their cities are all close together. I think this has to do with a possible war scenario. If one of their cities are being attacked, it will take a shorter amount of time to get there from other cities.

          If I can get some videos to work, then this blog will be more interesting. I'm telling the truth about my misadventures, I swear!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Taking the world by storm...or at least a light drizzle.

"It is not sufficient that I succeed...all others must fail." -Genghis Khan

Session time: 1 hour 30 min.

Welcome to the first post in Let's Play: Civ V! As a student, I am required to make 5 blogs about my time here in Civ V. As a gamer, I'll be here much more than 5. Being able to play a game like Civ V as part of a class was unexpected, but very welcoming. Having said that, let's jump into the action in the first session!

After starting the game, I was faced with one of the biggest challenges of the game: character selection. Looking through the choices, only one name stuck out: Mongolia, led by none other than Genghis Khan. Not only was Mongolia a huge empire, but I'm a South Park fan and am always looking to add the City Wok guy in any place.

While I was exploring, I came across the Byzantine Empire, led by Theodora. After exploring the diplomacy tool with Theodora, I struck an alliance with her, as well as traded embassies for our empires. I also set up an embassy with Alexander of the Greeks. During/Following these actions, I got rid of a couple of Barbarian encampments, which was pretty easy considering they're in the game to be cannon fodder.

Yes it took me an hour and a half for all this, but I'm new so leave me alone.

Hope you enjoyed the first post! Hopefully in the next post I'll be able to put some videos or pictures relating to my adventures in the game, but until then so long!
